In the dimly lit corridors of cinematic history, “Filmco” Entertainment Company emerged as a beacon of storytelling brilliance, casting its cinematic spell five decades ago. The curtain rose on our journey when the inaugural frames of “Manipayal (1973)” flickered to life, casting shadows under the prestigious banner of “Southern Movies.” The echoes of that cinematic overture resonated through time, guiding our course as we continued to weave tales on the silver screen, now under the emblem of “Khaliq Brothers.”

The epoch of the 80s witnessed the amplification of our cinematic resonance. We not only distributed but also crafted stories, giving birth to gems like “Uyirullavarai Usha (1983) and “Vellai Roja (1983)” proudly under the banner of “Filmco” A name etched in the annals of Tamil Nadu’s entertainment legacy, “Filmco” became synonymous with distinction, an insignia of storytelling prowess.

KTM Sathakathul Hameed


In the tapestry of business and trade, Sathakathul Hameed emerged from a lineage steeped in the commerce of commodities like Palm Oil, Spices, and precious gems. His family’s ventures spanned continents, with an elder brother traversing the realms of Europe, uncovering inspiration in the rich historical culture, arts, and tradition of Italy.

In the enchanting backdrop of Italy’s cultural tapestry, a seed of innovation was planted. The allure of the entertainment industry, seemingly distant in those days, captivated his imagination. This spark kindled the flame of a new venture upon his return home, a venture yet to be explored.

Sathakathul Hameed pivoted toward the promising horizon of the film-making industry. The realization dawned upon him – an ocean of opportunity lay in this uncharted territory. As the eldest brother, he became the harbinger of a vision, passionately imparting his insights to his siblings, persuading them of the untapped potential within the Indian movie industry. With conviction, he immersed himself in the world of cinema, gaining invaluable experience through the hands-on distribution of feature films.

A decade of dedication bore fruit when his family ventured into film production, birthing the iconic “Filmco Entertainment Company.” From the seeds of inspiration sown in Italy to the flourishing productions, their cinematic odyssey etched a chapter in history that echoes with the resonant magic of storytelling.

TAS Mashoor

Producer / CFO

Mashoor, a luminary entrepreneur and philanthropist, navigates diverse business realms from Jewellery to Food & Beverages and Construction, spanning across vibrant nations. His cinematic journey commenced in early teens when his family, inadvertently pioneers in the Entertainment Industry, connected with the south Indian Movie World through their Printing Press, producing integral “Song Books” for south Indian cinema aficionados.

Empowered by the success of these Song Books, Mashoor’s passion for cinema ignited. Mentorship under “Filmco Entertainment Company,” an illustrious cinematic institution, refined his instincts. The company, boasting a legacy of success, thrives on meticulous craftsmanship and micro detailing, becoming a beacon in storytelling.

Driven by a vision beyond commercial pursuits, Mashoor and “Filmco Entertainment Company” aspire to craft productions of profound meaning, standing alongside industry titans. With 50 years of experiential wisdom and leveraging cutting-edge technology, they promise a soul-stirring cinematic experience.

Under Mashoor’s visionary leadership, the company seeks to redefine entertainment, exceeding expectations in Home Entertainment. His indelible mark on the cinematic landscape resonates with innovation, dedication, and a love for storytelling, promising a timeless cinematic odyssey. Mashoor emerges not just as an entrepreneur but as a custodian of dreams, weaving narratives that endure beyond the silver screen’s flicker.

Yacoob Max

Executive Producer / COO

In the broad tapestry of media and advertising, Yacoob emerges as a luminary with over two decades of experience in the visual realm. His journey unfolds with the resonance of a seasoned professional, commencing as an international news editor in a satellite channel. The frames of his career further reveal his roles as a video editor, visualizer, program producer, and creative director for diverse TV programs.

Yacoob’s narrative is woven with the vibrant hues of creativity, having left his imprint on more than 500 episodes, international documentaries, and regional ad campaigns. A maestro of the visual medium, he transcended geographical boundaries, contributing his talents to a myriad of projects.

Venturing into the heart of Qatar, Yacoob’s story takes a captivating turn as he assumes the role of HR Head for three years. His sojourn in management and marketing solidifies, a chapter that adds depth to his cinematic narrative.

Returning to the burgeoning media canvas of India, Yacoob unfurls a new chapter, founding MaxZem Media, a leading advertising company in Chennai. In this role as Founder & Managing Director, he orchestrates a visual symphony, bringing his wealth of experience to the forefront of the advertising landscape, where each frame tells a story of innovation, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Naina Mohamed

Administrative Manager

In the luminescent chronicles of cinematic passion, let the spotlight unveil the tale of Naina Mohammed, a storyteller hailing from the enchanting landscapes of Rameswaram. As the curtain rises, Naina steps into the shared dreamscape, eager to weave the threads of his cinematic journey.

From the by lanes of Rameswaram to the dazzling glow of Chennai’s Mount Road, Naina’s love affair with cinema blossomed during his school days. The allure of NTR movies echoed in his youthful adventures, creating memories etched in the silver screen of his heart. A journey through ticket counters, night shows, and college movie discussions painted the canvas of his growing affection for the art.

Venturing abroad for work, Naina’s cinematic heartbeat remained ever-present. Fate led him to the illustrious Filmco, a cinematic sanctuary nestled near Mount Road, where his kin stood as sentinels of the storytelling realm. Embracing his role, he became the silent orchestrator, managing productions, calculating costs, and supervising like a guardian of the celluloid kingdom.

From the resounding success of “Uyirilavar Usha”, Vellai Roja  and other movies, Naina’s cinematic sojourn continued. A detour into property management, and later, a hiatus that spanned 24 years, only to find himself back, ready to infuse his cinematic spirit into “Filmco Entertainment Company”.

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