Welcome to FILMCO, where storytelling meets innovation! As a dynamic force in the entertainment industry, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop destination for a diverse range of content creation, including feature films, web series, tele series, documentaries, short films, ad films, and events.

At FILMCO, we believe in the power of compelling narratives and cutting-edge production techniques to captivate audiences across the globe. Our team of creative visionaries, skilled technicians, and seasoned professionals is dedicated to delivering top-notch content that not only entertains but also leaves a lasting impact.

Feature Films

In the realm of feature films, our storytelling prowess takes centre stage. We embark on cinematic journeys that unfold over the course of captivating narratives, immersing audiences in worlds that transcend the ordinary. From script to screen, each feature film is a labour of love, meticulously crafted to leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of cinema.

With a team of seasoned professionals, visionary directors, and dedicated technicians, we delve deep into the art of storytelling on the big screen. Our approach to feature film production is marked by a harmonious blend of creativity, technical finesse, and a profound understanding of audience engagement.

Web Series

Navigating the digital frontier, our web series ventures into unexplored narratives, offering audiences an episodic escape into diverse story arcs. Each episode unfolds like a chapter in a riveting novel, captivating viewers with a seamless blend of character development, plot twists, and immersive storytelling that keeps them hooked from start to finish.

Our proficiency in web series production is rooted in a deep understanding of evolving digital trends, coupled with a passion for pushing creative boundaries. We recognize the unique dynamics of episodic content, carefully weaving intricate narratives that keep viewers hooked from episode to episode.

Tele Series

In the timeless tradition of television series, our tele series brings forth the art of long-form storytelling. Spanning seasons, each tele series intricately weaves together characters and plotlines, creating a tapestry of emotions and drama that unfolds over time. The small screen becomes a canvas for immersive storytelling, inviting viewers into a world that becomes a part of their daily lives.

Our proficiency in tele series production is marked by a seamless fusion of creative brilliance and technical prowess. With a team of seasoned writers, directors, and technicians, we navigate the intricacies of episodic storytelling, ensuring that each episode is a riveting chapter in a larger narrative tapestry.


With a commitment to capturing reality in its most authentic form, our documentaries delve into the heart of real-world stories. Whether shedding light on social issues, exploring historical events, or celebrating the triumph of the human spirit, our documentaries aim to inform, inspire, and provoke thought, offering audiences a window into the diverse facets of the world we inhabit.

Our expertise in documentary production is grounded in meticulous research, empathetic storytelling, and a passion for social impact. We approach each project with the understanding that documentaries have the power to inspire change, provoke thought, and amplify voices that need to be heard.

Short Films

Short films, the essence of concise storytelling, allow us to explore impactful narratives within a limited time frame. These bite-sized cinematic gems are crafted with precision to deliver powerful messages, evoke emotions, or pose thought-provoking questions. Short films become a canvas for experimentation, enabling us to showcase creativity in its most distilled form.

Our expertise in crafting short films is a testament to our ability to distill powerful narratives into concise and impactful storytelling. We understand the unique artistry that short films demand, where every frame must contribute to a compelling and memorable experience.

Ad Films

In the dynamic world of advertising, our ad films are concise visual masterpieces designed to captivate and communicate. Each frame is meticulously curated to convey a brand’s message, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. Whether evoking emotion, humour, or sheer awe, our ad films transform marketing into an art form.

Our ad film expertise lies in the ability to seamlessly blend creativity with marketing objectives, creating content that resonates with the target audience. Our commitment to innovation and storytelling sets us apart, making us a trusted partner for brands looking to elevate their presence in the market.


Beyond the screen, our foray into events transcends traditional storytelling. From movie launches to success celebrations, our events are meticulously curated experiences designed to captivate and engage. Each event becomes a live spectacle, where creativity and meticulous planning converge to leave a lasting impression on attendees, making memories that linger long after the curtains fall.

Our dedicated team of event managers, planners, and coordinators is driven by a passion for turning visions into reality. From corporate gatherings to product launches and promotional events, we understand that every event is a unique opportunity to make a lasting impression.

[email protected] | +91 81225 72070